Saturday, November 3, 2018

Let's get down to business!

I got my first MMR shot last September 29, 2018 and the second shot 4 weeks later - October 27, 2018. So now, we're good and ready for the real thing.

I met with Dra. Dichoso today, November 3, 2018. She gave me a prescription for the ovulation meds I'm going to take when my next period starts. She also gave me her number and instructed me to send her a heads-up as soon as my period starts.

The waiting game is on the roll once again. We're hopeful and earnestly praying...

Baby dust! 😇

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Getting back on track

We've been trying on a hit or miss, and very sadly, it's always and very consistently a miss. It's depressing.
So, fast forward to present day... bby and I decided to get serious with it, yet again. So I helped myself for a copy of DLSUMC's hospital directory, paid a visit to the Obgyne's clinic (28 March 2018), got booked for a check-up (11 August 2018), got a prescription for various tests (Hysterosalpingogram, Prolactin, OGTT, and Rubella, and semenalisys for bby), had a follow-up appointment for the Obgyne's diagnosis of the results (08 September 2018), and....
"It's all normal. Very good kayo!" The doctor said. Except for three teensy-weensy mayomas measuring less than a cm each (which she doesn't recommend for removal as of yet) and a negative result for rubella (which means I haven't had tigdas/Measles yet), she says we're good to start if we're ready. We wanted to be extra careful, though, so I opted to get a vaccine to ensure that I won't get the measles during pregnancy. The safety of the baby-to-be should be a priority. What's two more months anyway, when we've been waiting for no less than thirteen years, right?
And now we are waiting, again. If a visit from Aunt Flo comes, I'm getting the vaccine this month and then another shot by October, and then the work-up starts in November. But, if we get Divinely blessed right away, then it only mean that God's perfect time has finally come. Only God knows... Hoping and praying for baby dust... ❤